Infosys (Czech Republic) Limited s.r.o.

Oblasti, ve kterých hledáme zaměstnance


O nás

Infosys BPM is a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting. Our business solutions and services help organizations to meet their aspirations by accelerating innovation, increasing productivity, reducing costs and optimizing asset utilization.

In 2004, Infosys BPM set up its first European branch in Brno and has shown a continual growth ever since. The Brno centre provides business consulting, technology, engineering and outsourcing services for world-leading brands across the globe. Our clients are market leaders in areas such as automotive and sportswear manufacturing, energy and utilities, insurance, pharmacy and healthcare; amongst others.

We are proud to say that one of our biggest values is our people. We not only respect and support diversity, we live it. This openness to different cultures enriches our lives and all employee surveys show that our employees in Brno value their teams and team spirit above all else.

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Registruj se a označ tuto společnost tlačítkem „Mám zájem“. Seznam svých favoritů najdeš ve svém profilu. Díky tomu nezapomeneš, které společnosti na tebe udělaly dojem, a budeš mít vše po ruce!

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Jana Hájková

Kontaktní osoba pro uchazeče

telefon: 704 960 556

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